Modular Wellsite Package (MWP) is an integrated skid-based unit containing all wellsite equipment and components required between the X-mas tree and the main flow line leading to the gathering station. It includes HIPS, CIS skids, Wellhead Shutdown Panels, Sampling Units, Cellar ventilation arrangement, Fire & Gas Control System, PLC Systems ,Communication Systems etc. All these equipment which comes in between X-mas tree and header line are neatly arranged within the modular package making it a compact design which can be mounted on pre-designed foundation. The complete package can be fully integrated and tested as one unit. MWP units can be built for gas, oil and as well as injection wells.
Our Products
Modular Wellsite Package (MWP)

Key Advantage Of Modular Units:
Simplified and minimal civil/installation work on site.
Reduced field installation time and complexity.
All required interfaces are available on single skid.
Minimum ideal time between well completion and production.
Can be designed to suit all well sites and can be kept as inventory.
Considerable reduction in the scope of Site Survey, Equipment Layout, Pipe Routing as per site conditions.
Can be designed for both “Sweet” and “Sour” applications.